Registry UI

Event Log


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Config File
architecture amd64
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build-date 2023-02-22T09:23:20
com.redhat.component keepalived-container
description keepalived for Ceph
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io.buildah.version 1.28.2
io.k8s.description The Universal Base Image Minimal is a stripped down image that uses microdnf as a package manager. This base image is freely redistributable, but Red Hat only supports Red Hat technologies through subscriptions for Red Hat products. This image is maintained by Red Hat and updated regularly.
io.k8s.display-name Keepalived on RHEL 9
io.openshift.tags Ceph keepalived
maintainer Guillaume Abrioux <>
name keepalived
release 1793
summary Provides keepalived on RHEL 9 for Ceph.
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vcs-type git
vendor Red Hat, Inc.
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created 2023-03-21T06:01:19.413852868Z
created 2023-02-22T09:35:54.120768784Z
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created 2023-02-22T09:35:55.081206839Z
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created 2023-02-22T09:35:55.458258732Z
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created 2023-02-22T09:35:55.458358448Z
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created 2023-02-22T09:35:55.45850099Z
created_by /bin/sh -c #(nop) LABEL description="The Universal Base Image Minimal is a stripped down image that uses microdnf as a package manager. This base image is freely redistributable, but Red Hat only supports Red Hat technologies through subscriptions for Red Hat products. This image is maintained by Red Hat and updated regularly."
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created 2023-02-22T09:35:55.458540445Z
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created 2023-02-22T09:35:55.458555464Z
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created 2023-02-22T09:35:59.26011674Z
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comment FROM
created 2023-03-21T06:01:11.325521931Z
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created 2023-03-21T06:01:13.001145675Z
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created 2023-03-21T06:01:15.000102626Z
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created 2023-03-21T06:01:15.893508421Z
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created 2023-03-21T06:01:16.320535451Z
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created 2023-03-21T06:01:16.736348926Z
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created 2023-03-21T06:01:17.151692738Z
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created 2023-03-21T06:01:17.590054543Z
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created 2023-03-21T06:01:18.432529988Z
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created 2023-03-21T06:01:18.986122034Z
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created 2023-03-21T06:01:19.41424623Z
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Registry UI v0.10.3 | Quiq Inc. | Github